In Maharashtra, yajurvedi invariably means Shukla Yajurvedi and further within that classification, it mostly refers to the Madhyandinas who are numerically much more superior and economically much better of than the Kanva shakhis.
There is a section called Tirgul who are thought to have migrated from the Andhra/Telengana region and accordingly belong to the Krishna Yajurvedi (apastamba) section. Because of their main occupation of Betel leaf farming, they were meted out inferior treatment (something to do with killing insects as their profession demanded them to)
But the question is were there Krishna Yajurvedis of the Apastamba section who were endogamous with the Deshastha Rugvedis ? the gazzetteers seem to suggest so, but I haven't met anyone in practice who is from the Krishna Yajurvedi section.
Note: The maitrayaniya and charak sections technically belong to the Krishna Yajurveda, but have remained endogamous in historical times.
There is a section called Tirgul who are thought to have migrated from the Andhra/Telengana region and accordingly belong to the Krishna Yajurvedi (apastamba) section. Because of their main occupation of Betel leaf farming, they were meted out inferior treatment (something to do with killing insects as their profession demanded them to)
But the question is were there Krishna Yajurvedis of the Apastamba section who were endogamous with the Deshastha Rugvedis ? the gazzetteers seem to suggest so, but I haven't met anyone in practice who is from the Krishna Yajurvedi section.
Note: The maitrayaniya and charak sections technically belong to the Krishna Yajurveda, but have remained endogamous in historical times.
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